He paints the sky with hues of reds and yellows and pinks. He sculpted the mountains and the trees, the plains and the valleys. He formed the hot and fiery sun, placed it at its perfect location in all of space, and taught it to rise and set on a daily basis. He made the ants and the bees, the deer and the zebra, the rhino and the giraffe. He envisioned each of His creation with a particular purpose in mind, and set each one apart in their own special way. For the beautiful thing about the Great Artist is that He doesn't just make His creations for the fun of it, lacking purpose and meaning. The Great Artist takes every step to design and create to fulfill a purpose. There is no such thing as accidental or meaningless when our Creator comes into the picture. He creates for a purpose. And that doesn't exclude you.

We are His.
His love. His children. His masterpieces. And the Great Artist, the Creator of masterpieces, will never make less than a masterpiece. He will never make something that is not as beautiful or wonderful in His eyes. For the Creator of masterpieces delights in His creation--His people--with a love and a care beyond imaginable. He loves His masterpieces, and it breaks His heart to watch His creation fall to pieces.
And that's exactly why the Great Artist sent His Son. In the midst of our brokenness, despite that the Lord created us as His masterpiece and delight, there are scratches and scars and broken pieces all over us. We turn to our own ways, and forget to look up and stay close to the One who created us, the One who made us with a purpose (for the Great Artist only creates something if He sees purpose in doing so), the One who knows us better than we know ourselves.
The Great Artist sent His Son, Jesus, to the cross so that we could no longer be separated from our Creator...so that the Artist of Masterpieces could see the scars of His perfect Son instead of the cracks and scratches on His sin-filled creation.
The enemy may whisper lies into your mind, reminding you of your scratches and scars, convincing you that your life is meaningless, stirring thoughts of self hatred and insecurity.
Know the truth.
The Great Artist sees past the scars and scratches.
He created you with a purpose.
He calls you beautiful. His Beloved.
His Masterpiece. //
For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10
Absolutely beautifully written! Love it!