
If Only Life Had a Pause Button

If only life had a pause button...

Only then could we truly soak in every moment.

In a world of hurry and rush and constant moving and getting things done at the fastest possible, minutes of precious time, of a life that is only temporal, are so often rushed past. Minutes turn into hours, hours turn into days, days turn into months, and months turn into years, and before we know it, life has changed. We are older, life is different, and there is no going back to the moments of yesterday. What is done is done.

Yet we live life always in a constant hurry, always on the go. We go through the McDonalds drive thru and get impatient when we have to wait more than a minute for our food. We don't like standing in line at a store or for a big event longer than what is expected to wait. We are always rushing.

What if we decided to slow down and truly live life, thoroughly taking the time with the people around us and enjoying every second?

Life is temporary.

If life had a pause button, maybe we would truly see the beauty of what is around us. Maybe we would finally discover that life isn't so bad after all. We would find that the people around us, whether we enjoy their presence or not, are in this life for a reason. God doesn't make mistakes. We would find that when we stop rushing, and going through the motions, we will see the wonderful moments, future bits of memories, that only a God as good as the God we serve could bless our lives with.

We may finally see that we truly are blessed. We are covered by His love. We have been called to live life to the fullest, because that is the kind of life that we are called to in Christ.

The enemy sucks away life, but in Christ, we can live life abundantly.

Maybe if we could pause the moments of today, we would finally see it. 

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10


  1. This is beautiful Alyssa - really. beautiful. I actually had these thoughts last week - wishing life had a pause button. =)

    1. Aww, thank you Kara! Haha, it's funny how we always have the same thoughts at around the same time!!

  2. AWESOME POST!!! It would be SO VERY lovely if we had a pause button. For sure!! ;) I could totally enjoy and cherish special moments longer.

    BTW, I really appreciate that your posts are pretty short. Some blog posts are very long and I wanna read them but they're way too long, and I don' have time. You know? And I always love it when people don't post everyday, especially since I read several blogs, and have a life to live AWAY from the computer. Anyway. Great post once again. ;)

    1. Aw, thank you SO SO much for these encouraging comments and for checking out my blog! You don't know how much it means to me! Yes, I've always been afraid my blog posts were too long and that no one would want to take the time to read them, so thanks for your words! I definitely understand what you mean. Come back soon! ♥

    2. No problem! I understand that getting feedback from readers makes blogging all that much more awesome!


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